It’s hard to believe that in just a few short weeks, we’ll be ushering in another year. For some of us this means we’ll be heads down the next few weeks as we wrap up important end of year projects or we’ll be temporarily shutting down as we spend time to connect with our friends and family. Whatever your plans may be over the next few weeks, the end of the year always represents a great opportunity for us to look back and reflect on what lessons we learned throughout the year.
This year has been a particular interesting year. It’s a year that has taught many of us how to connect with our colleagues with intention – this is especially true in hybrid work environments. It’s a year where we’re navigating record high inflation. And, unfortunately for some, it’s a year where many are spending their break looking for new employment opportunities. This year has, and continues, to represent both wanted and unwanted change, and at the center of it all, is your staff, who shows up and pushes through daily.
As leaders, we sometimes become desensitized to what is happening around us. Between the many project deliverables and the endless meetings, we miss the signs of staff members who are reaching the point of burnout or the struggling team who is understaffed and juggling multiple project deliverables. We often pass over the opportunities to connect with our staff in a meaningful way and instead opt for a quick ten-minute check-in. We mistake the quick flash of a smile for job satisfaction and become dismayed when we receive the unexpected resignation notice. As people leaders, we have dual responsibilities in getting the job done which includes the actual work and the people doing the work. Most leaders are effective at getting the job done, but they often miss the bar with the people doing the work. This missed opportunity of connecting with the people is a costly one, and there are many businesses that are cashing in on your missed opportunity.
As we close out this year, take time to reflect on your past wins, and evaluate critically the challenges that occurred. Who was there during those moments? Did you do any of this alone? In most cases, you needed a team to get the job done. How have you supported those around you? This is your time to reflect and reconnect to those who have (and continuously) show up to support to you.