What does it mean to lead with empathy? Why is it important? These are just a few questions that people ask when exploring the word empathy. At the core, leading with empathy involves an intentional decision to listen for understanding, accept different perspectives and views, and acknowledge the feelings that are associated with both. Empathy is a foundational tenant of emotional intelligence rooted it understanding the emotions of others. As such, when executed thoughtfully and properly, empathy is the game changing skill that every leader must possess to move their team, and ultimately their organization, forward.
According to a recent study conducted by Office Team, 66% of employees said they would leave their job if they felt underappreciated. This means that feeling valued is extremely important to employees. Here’s where leading with empathy starts to matter. This sometimes overlooked skill, allows for leaders to support their employees. Whether that be an issue that is affecting the employee personally (e.g., dealing with Covid-19) or a work related issue (e.g., dealing with conflict between employees), employees want to be heard and valued. Employees who feel valued tend to be more responsive and productive at work; which ultimately impacts the organization’s bottom line. It goes without saying, leaders who tap in and utilize this skill will see a return on investment.
Leaders should be mindful of blind spots when demonstrating empathy. For example, some people find it easier to empathize with people who are like them, which can potentially lead to exclusion of other individuals. Additionally, an overemphasis on empathy may result in a leader to becoming fatigued because they are overextending themselves. In everything we must find a balance and the same holds true for leading with empathy.
Deciding to lead with empathy requires a level of awareness and vulnerability. Like emotional intelligence or any other skill, you will need to commit to developing your empathy. Our consultants are skilled in developing leaders in areas such as empathy. Be courageous and lead your team and organization with the highest level of empathy.